Monday, February 16, 2009

Teachers Using Weblogs in the Classroom (U.S.)

James Tubbs is from Wyoming, OH. He is a Fifth grade teacher at Wyoming Middle School. I think that his web page is in a word, AWESOME! I'm pretty sure that I love everything about his site. Even though it appears that's he more into Science than I will ever be, he had great info regarding history. I guess because I am a fan of vanity tags (I'm not vain), I'm really drawn to his; MRTCHR. His site is very interesting, I would recommend to all.

2. Check out the Killer Clips at - Sink your teeth into some of the wildest video on the planet. Then get the Killer Clips widget and embed the videos into your website (see below).

Click here for 8 more bright ideas for the science classroom.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Teachers Using Weblogs in the Classroom (International)

Mrs. Cassidy's Classroom Blog

We are learning how to read and write! If you would like to talk to us, just click on the Yackpack below, holding the click down as you talk. If we are nearby, we'll answer you!

by Kathy Cassidy

Mrs. Cassidy teaches a class of six year olds in Moose Jaw, Canada they are inviting the world into their classroom to help them learn. It could have been a situation where I'm just not getting this one, but I didn't really get this blog. I get how the teacher is incorporating the web with Language Arts, Social Studies and Reading. But unlike the "Seven Year-Old Bloggers" this one did not speak to me as loudly. I still say that it is a very good idea.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Teachers Using Weblogs in the Classroom (International)

Hangleton children in action

According to an article ( in the BBC, children as young as seven in one British school are using weblogs as part of their normal routine, and are doing better than non-webloggers as a result. According to junior school teacher John Mills, "the children enjoy using the weblogs so much that they happily do extra work at home, even though they've not been given homework to do, and expand their weblogs far beyond the four pages that he suggests they aim for at the start. The school's weblogs project has been so successful that it has just been shortlisted for a New Statesman New Media Award, an annual event highlighting the best web development in the UK. I think that if the students are progressing and enjoying what they are doing while they are progressing, then I'm all for it. Weblogs is a great tool, and I think every school should make an effort to get involved.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Google Rumor

Except for in classrooms, I think that the Desktop is pretty much dead already. Most people are using laptops and cell phones to access the internet. If this G-Drive rumor is true, the next thing to bite the dust may be the laptop. The ability to access saved data from any machine is a great idea. My only hang up would be what has always been my hang up with computers; what if it breaks? I think that technology is great, but too much of a great thing can't be good. While I do think that the G-Drive is a good idea, I still think that people should have options and choices. There will be those that still like the way old things work. Change is good, but for some, change is hard and a little scary. As with anything else, this new concept has some great potential as well as a few downfalls.

Changing The Way We Think

After reading the article on "Changing the way we think", I still feel pretty much the same way that I did before reading the article. I realize that computers are where we are, and even more where we are headed, but I'm just not that crazy about it. The article mentions Facebook and Twitter. I actually tried to use Twitter, I gave up. Then came Facebook, because of my experience with Twitter, I was hesitant to use Facebook. I'm still struggling with Facebook, but this time, I'm going to try to hang in there. I think that it's great that we can get so much information from the internet, but I still enjoy reading a newspaper, or flipping through the pages of a magazine.